Thursday, July 18, 2013

DSLR Cameras

After lusting for a DSLR for quite sometime, I happened to be flitting around Best Buy shortly after this past Christmas. Truthfully, I was supposed to be picking out a laptop for my dad to help him organize his construction business. He sent me with a few hundred dollars and left the decision up to me. My dad is what you would call a 'hunt and peck-er', which is one who meticulously looks at the keyboard searching for the right key, and then pecks it, and starts the process again. It takes him 10 minutes to type ONE sentence. But anyway, I'm a girl, so I wanted to spend some money too! I checked my bank account (shootout to my Wells Fargo app) and I had almost $800.00 in there! Shoutout to UA, My ACT score, and the lady that cracked that case open and handed me my babyyy!!! I almost forgot my dad's computer I was so excited. I read the manual all the way to page 72 before I fell asleep with my camera, a little dramatic, I know. Ever since then I've practiced and read, and practiced, and read, and practiced, and read about how to effectively use my new camera. Admittedly, they can be a little tricky at first. "All I do is click a button all day", said no photographer or videographer EVER. I didn't know what the hell Aperture was. Or ISO. The menus confused me; I could barely operate the damn thing. But I was determined. After a half a year of practicing..and reading. I've gotten MUCH better. 

Somethings I've noticed since getting (practicing, and reading) my T3i are as follows:
1. The image quality is awesome, if you do it right.
2. It performs pretty well in low light, mainly with a 50mm.
3. The LCD screen does't always do your frame justice.
4. There are still a substantial number or dials and setting to get used to for faster shooting
5. It has a wide range of ISO settings. Although I had to google where the ISO button was. I'll let you all figure that one out for yourself. Its a fun scavenger hunt, unless I'm just remidial or blind. Probably the latter.
6. White balance can be a little tricky sometimes. Mainly is you want a custom setting.
7. Its slave compatible to work with external flashes. which is cool.
8. Its lightweight and I can take it just about anywhere.
9. It records sound in camera better than what I expected but unless you have and XLT to mini converter, you'll need a zoom recorder for sound.
10. If you are taking photos, you have the option of single shot or continuous. I like continuous because it allows me to snap my little heart away and not have to worry about missing a moment. 
11. Changing the lenses is easy
12. ITS CHEAP (kinda, $800 isn't what I'd usually consider cheap) but considering the circumstances and prices of other camera of the near caliber, you can't really beat it. 

So, in essence, I'm liking the DSLR life so far. Hopefully as I continue to practice (and read) I'll get a lot better at controlling the camera. Because thats the name of the game right, control?

Here's some stuff I found for you to read, haha. 

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